Below you’ll find answers to the questions we frequently get asked about Personality Type and Personality Assessment. And if we haven’t answered your query today, please fire away your question using the form at the bottom of the page.

Personality Type is a way of understanding all the different sorts of people in the world. While a great many people have contributed to our knowledge of this area, Carl Jung is perhaps the best known, and you’ll often hear his theory referred to as ‘Jungian Personality Type’. Types such as ‘extraversion’ and ‘introversion’ have become widely used, although through your training you will learn what they really mean!

The assessment of Personality Types is conducted using psychometric tools based on Type theory, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) being the most widely known. They are also known as personality tests, questionnaires, indicators or assessments. Whatever you call them, they are all used to help a person to understand who they are.

Our Type is our underlying personality. This is set early on in our lives. Psychologists debate whether this is genetic, inborn, developed early in life or forever flexible. The short answer is that, in adults, this seems to be very stable. For example, people are Introverts or Extroverts. It’s all to do with how they recharge their batteries.

Our behaviour is what we choose to do in any given situation. So, if I have a preference for Extraversion, then I charge up my batteries by interacting. However, I can choose, in any given situation, to do either the Extraverted behaviour, or the Introverted behaviour. Whichever one matches my preference will take the least energy and concentration, but I can always do the other one.

Psychological tests are not only used to assess personality, but also behaviour and ability. They have many applications, including as part of the selection process for a job or to assess children in schools. Therefore it is important that the individuals administering the tests are appropriately qualified to explain the process and to interpret the results.

You really want to get the best out of the people that you are developing, so you want all the tips and techniques you can get your hands on. Plus, you really don’t want to be caught out with an awkward question. Our training covers the decades of difficult questions we’ve answered!

Personality questionnaires have been widely used in business for many decades, whether with individuals or whole teams. By helping people understand themselves and others better, you can reduce conflict and improve communication whilst increasing productivity and morale. You can get more and better sales from your customers.

Like HR professionals, coaches will find that personality assessment will help them to guide their clients towards their goals. Whether that’s greater self-awareness and empathy, improving their communication style and influence, handling conflict or any other area requiring development.

Coaches will also find that a better understanding of Personality Type will be invaluable when working with clients who display different personality traits to their own.

You will find that being well trained in the use of Personality Type opens up opportunities for rewarding and profitable work with current and new clients.

Educational professionals will find that an awareness of preferences can help to improve teacher/teacher and teacher/student interactions. In so doing this can lead to greater collaboration and increased learning potential.

If you would like to find out more, check out our training programme for educators Type Pro for Education.

Type Pro’s training is useful for any individual or organisation that would benefit from an understanding of personality differences and seeing things from different perspectives.

Typically our courses are attended by independent coaches and people working in Human Resources or Learning & Development, but we have also trained people in other roles, such as finance. We have a dedicated programme for educators and those courses are attended by professionals across the sector.

People often confuse the model and the questionnaire. The MBTI® is a questionnaire; the model it is based on (Extraversion, Introversion etc) has a number of roots and can be used by anyone.

We will train you to work with the Personality Types model. You are then free to choose whichever instrument you would like to use to assess people. Our training leads to qualification in three forms of Type ‘assessment’, although the one published by the Myers-Briggs Company is not included.

The majority of our tutors have many years’ experience of training people on the MBTI®, and we pride ourselves on providing a high-quality qualification programme.

All of our tutors have used the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) extensively in the past, including running the qualification courses.

For our training we use the Type Coach Verifier. Type Coach will be happy to let you use their products once you’ve completed the programme.

Type Pro’s training also qualifies you to use the Type Dynamics Indicator from Team Focus and the Personality Type Profile from JCA Global.

Yes. You can access the MBTI® through MBTI® Online. Our training will give you a deeper understanding of Personality Type and will hopefully lead to new ways of applying Type theory.

Our programme is delivered online, so it is completely flexible. You can complete the course at a time, pace and place to suit you. There is no need to travel or miss days off work in a row.

Our tutors are true Type experts with at least 15 years’ experience of Jungian Type theory. They have all used Type within organisations and they are all qualified to train others in the model. Unlike most Type training, you will get several hours of one-to-one time with a Type expert. In addition to small group webinars, this ensures that you are ready to go when you qualify.

Compared to similar courses, our training is cost-effective, whilst setting the highest standards. And you don’t incur additional costs for travel and accommodation.

For a full list of benefits, check out our ‘10 reasons to choose Type Pro’s Personality Type training’.

Our public courses run throughout the year. Please check our blog or contact us to get the latest dates.

If you have four or more people to be trained, then we can put together a course just for you, to start when you like. Just complete our booking enquiry form.

It’s a six-week programme. Each week you will have some different activities to complete, from 1:1 sessions with your tutor, award-winning e-learning content, small group webinars and real-world practice. Each week your work will take 4-6 hours depending on the activities and your learning style.

Of course it’s not over once you finish. You’ll then join our exclusive network of qualified experts, you’ll retain access to the e-learning for a further six months to support your ongoing application and of course you can ask us anything!

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