Based in the UK, Type Pro is an online training company with a global network of Personality Type experts delivering world-class personality assessment training across all time zones.

Personality assessment expert Gareth English
Gareth English C.Psychol, BSc, MSc

Based in: UK

Gareth English

Co-Founder and Course Tutor – Global

As a business psychologist, Gareth works with clients to support them in understanding why people – staff and customers alike – behave as they do. Gareth supports Type Pro’s clients in achieving their business objectives by applying his understanding of what really drives people in business. Gareth has extensive experience of working with a variety of global organisations and industries. This includes financial services, motor manufacturers, high-tech start-ups, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, public sector and professional services.

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Personality Type expert Angelina Bennet
Dr Angelina Bennet C.Psychol, BSc, MSc, DProf

Based in: UK

Dr Angelina Bennet

Co-Founder and Course Tutor – Global

Angelina is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist with over 15 years’ experience of using Psychological Type. She worked as an MBTI® qualifying trainer with OPP from 2002 to 2016, and was the President of the British Association for Psychological Type (BAPT) from May 2011 to April 2017. Angelina is qualified in MBTI® Step I and II, and is one of a select number of practitioners in the world qualified to use the MBTI® Step III. Angelina has expertise in Type Development and is the author of ‘The Shadows of Type: Psychological Type over Seven Levels of Development’. She has worked with a wide variety of organisations and has been a keynote speaker at many global conferences.

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Personality assessment expert Danielle Poirier
Danielle Poirier

Based in: North America

Danielle Poirier

Course Tutor – North America/ Canada

Danielle is an independent senior consultant and trainer who specialises in fostering and leveraging diversity as a means towards creativity and sustainability of teams and businesses. She has qualified thousands of professionals in the use of the MBTI® since the late 80s, and she is still delivering the French program.

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Personality Type expert Sue White
Sue White BA, Bed, M.Ed

Based in: Australia

Sue White

Course Tutor – Asia Pacific

Initially with a background in education, Sue has worked extensively in the corporate world since 1992. She has been involved in a variety of change management activities and organisation restructuring through the implementation of new business systems, the introduction of new methodologies and the consequences of implementing legislative change. She is accredited to use a number of instruments, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® for Steps I, II & III – she is the only person to hold the Step III licence in Australia.

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Personality Type expert Anna Crollick
Anna Crollick C.Psychol, BSc, MSc

Based in: UK

Anna Crollick

Course Tutor – Global

Anna Crollick is an HPC-registered Chartered Occupational Psychologist. She is a highly qualified Personality Type trainer, executive coach and facilitator with over 15 years’ experience of one-to-one coaching, team development, and Personality Type workshop design and facilitation. She has worked at all levels of organisations, including Executive, and has coached successfully at board level. Anna is a strong advocate of best practice and is a Lead Trainer of the ‘Test User Occupational: Personality’ qualification course, regulated by the British Psychological Society.

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Personality assessment expert Natasha Graham
Natasha Graham C.Psychol, BSc, MSc

Based in: UK

Natasha Graham

Course Tutor – Global

Natasha is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, a trainer in Psychological Type, and a qualified executive coach with considerable experience and expertise in managing, designing and delivering leadership assessment and development interventions. Over the last 15 years or so, she has established a track record of using Type interventions in developing leaders and teams for both public and private sector clients in the UK and internationally. Natasha is both BPS TUOA and TUOP qualified.

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Personality assessment expert Linn Brynildsen
Linn Brynildsen C.Psychol, BSc, MSc

Based in: UK

Linn Brynildsen

Course Tutor – Global

Linn is an expert in supporting leaders to harness the positive emotions of their employees to achieve superb business results. She knows that how someone applies their knowledge of Type is essential to the impact they will have. Linn has successfully applied emotional intelligence projects within a range of organisations, including pharmaceuticals, financial services and the public sector. She works in English, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish.

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Personality Type and education expert Jane Kise
Jane Kise Ed.D

Based in: North America

Jane Kise

Course Leader for Type Pro Education – Global

Jane is an education consultant with extensive experience in leadership, instructional coaching, differentiation and effective mathematics instruction. She is considered a worldwide expert in Jungian Type and its impact on leadership and education, and she served as President of the Association for Psychological Type International. She is certified in Neuroscience and Jungian Personality, is an MBTI® Master Practitioner, qualified to use MBTI Steps I, II and III, and is certified in emotional intelligence instruments and leadership 360 tools.

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Personality Type expert Rachael Lewis
Rachael Lewis

Based in: UK

Rachael Lewis

Course Tutor – Global

Rachael Lewis is a fully chartered and registered psychologist (HCPC) and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS). She is also a founder member of the Association for Business Psychology (ABP). Rachael specialises in building strong leaders and leadership teams and is a sought-after executive coach. She has expertise in providing relevant insights from psychometric tools, and especially Type-based instruments like the MBTI®, to help people to develop their leadership style.

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Personality assessment expert Sharon Richmond
Sharon Richmond

Based in: North America

Sharon Richmond

Course Tutor – North America/ Canada

Sharon specialises in organisation effectiveness, executive coaching, leadership and team development, change management (OCM), meeting design and facilitation, and organisation design. She has a deep knowledge of Myers Briggs and emotional intelligence, and has taught leadership at Stanford GSB.

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Course Administrator Loretta Atkins
Loretta Atkins

Based in: UK

Loretta Atkins

Course Administrator – Global

Loretta has over 20 years’ experience in administration and customer service. She is the weekly point of contact for the Type Pro participants, sending out the Monday messages and preparing all of the documentation for the courses.